Monday, September 26, 2011

First Three Weeks

I have now been in college for three weeks and today mark the beginning of fourth. During the first week, I received a syllabus from every professor. They explained in detail what we would be doing each week, when would exams and quizzes be, how and when to contact them, and what would and would not be accepted. Within the first week, I was able to tell that my professors were not as difficult as others. I also met new people, which I have been hanging out with every week. I now not only know my way around, but I have learned some convenient short cuts. I barely had any homework the first week.
The second week came rather fast. Although, it felt like I had been in school for a month. I now had homework to do. I now knew my schedule by heart. I became content with the way I would take notes. I realized the classes that would take more studying than others. I was now in the habit of checking my e-mail and my d2L often.  I had a routine of going to class at least five minutes early. This week was the first time I did my laundry. I was not homesick but I missed the idea of being home.
The third week was an eye opener for me. I had more things that were due, some even on the same day. I had to buckle down on my studying and the use of my time management. The beginning of the week, I began to study for a biology lab exam that I would take that Friday. Monday I also learned that I would have a biology and chemistry exam. Came Tuesday, I began to format the way I would study. This did not include hanging out as much. My college experience had now become intense and nerve racking. On top of studying for biology lab, biology, and chemistry exams; I still had homework in my other classes. By Friday, I was well prepared for my biology exam. I think that I will get a passing grade on it. But my week was not over; I now had to continue to study for my other exams on the weekend.
Since I have been here, I have been home every weekend except for one. The one weekend I was here, I stayed up all night and slept all day. The weekend before taking my Monday exams, I went home. I did not have a productive study time. These three weeks has allowed me to put everything into perspective. I now know what approach to take to be better prepared for my exams. This fourth week will be the start of me using new study and time management techniques. Another thing I have to change is my sleeping patterns. I tend to go to sleep at one or two a.m. and have to be up at eight. I would now go to sleep no later than one and/or if I am, I would at least study.

Monday, September 19, 2011

From my room to a dorm room

My summer of fun and work swiftly came to an end the last week in August. During that week, I said my goodbyes to family and friends and packed. It took me a whole week to pack everything that I would take with me. I had two suit cases, two big containers, plenty of snacks, and other minor things. My parents, two of my sisters, and I departed from my house at eight o’clock Saturday morning. The five of us traveled in a truck and a car to accommodate my things. We made a stop in Jackson to get breakfast at cracker barrel. We made one last stop at the gas station before reaching our destination at around two. I moved in on the second day that Middle Tennessee State University allowed students to move into their dorms
Once we found my dorm complex, we parked and went inside the main building. There, I had to fill out paper work before I could receive my dorm key. After which, we proceeded to remove the trunk full of things from the vehicles to my dorm. It did not take long to do so but it was tiring going up and down the flight of stairs caring heavy objects. Then there was the fairly simple process of unpacking and putting everything into its perspective place. This made it easy for us to see what else I needed, before they returned to Memphis. We made a list and went to the store to retrieve the items. When we completely had everything in place, we sat and talked for a while about my new living situation. I then walked them to the car and we said our goodbyes.
My roommate entered the room immediately after their departure. We introduced ourselves and got to know a little about one another. I learned that we were both majoring in biology, both freshman, and that she is from Nashville. From our conversation, I could tell that we would click and things would not be as awkward as I expected. I sat in my bed and thought about the fact that I would now have to share a room with a stranger that is smaller than my room at home. I would now have to consider the fact that I not in a room by myself.  I would now be doing things that I was not used to doing at home. At home I had a collection of tweety birds that I could not bring due to space. I would be sharing a closet, desk space, and a bathroom with seven strangers. I would now be sleeping on a twin sized bed, instead of a full size. I would no longer have to vacuum, but sweep. Being that I share a room, it would no longer be a place I can go to get away from others as I did at home. Overall moving from my room to a dorm room is an experience that takes some getting used to.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Family We Chose For Ourselves

The summer going into my seventh grade year in middle school, changed my life. My family moved. We went from living in a three bedroom house to a five bedroom house on the opposite side of Memphis. We no longer lived on a street but in a subdivision. Although the move was good, I had many reasons why I did not like the move. I did not like the fact that I would no longer see friends that I had made over the years. I also did not like the fact that the environment around me was now going to change. Being that I had just made new friends from the transition of elementary school to middle school, put a damper on things.

Not soon after we moved in, the school year started. Since we had just moved, I had to be registered on the first day of school. The first day was weird to me. I was in a bad mood because I did not want to attend on the first day. I thought that everyone would already know each other from the previous year and I would be the outsider. I soon learned that that was not the case at all because through socializing, I learned that I was not the only new student. As the week went by, I made more and more friends. In school we were split up into two different teams, A and B. Within the teams were cliques, like in all schools. This one in particular clique was a group of friends that had journeyed from elementary school together. They went by D.I.P, divas in pink, and they colors were pink and black. Being that I knew most of the girls in the group, I felt that I might as well become a member. Once I became a member, I connecting more with a girl by the name of Asia White.

As the years went on when began to make many memories together. We started to tell each other personal things, we spent the night over each other house, and we went from being friends to best friends. We enjoyed one another company, attitude, character, beliefs, and personality. In high school, I learned that friends come and go, but the ones that stay around are true friends. It was not long before our journey through high school would come to an end. With that being the case, there were no intensions for us to end our friendship. This summer was one of the most bitter/sweet moments I have ever had. It was sweet because I vacationed to New Orleans and had an awesome experience. It was bitter because me and my best friend would no longer be down the street from each or get to see each other every day. We would know be experiencing another phase of meeting new people and making more friends. The day before she left for school, I spent the night at her house. I would not leave for college until two weeks later. That morning of her departure was emotionally hard for the both of us. She walked me to my car and as we began to hug, tears start to fall down our face. At that moment, I knew that I had a friend for life who I now looked at as another sister.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Positive Influence

            A graduate of Collierville High School and a current student at Fisk University, Jodie Marie Jones was born on July 9, 1991. She grew up in Collierville, TN where she still resides. As an average African American, she grew up in a decent home with a sufficient food supply every day. She was raised well by mother, Brenda Jones, aunt, Barbara Albright, and grandmother, Lucille Jones. They instilled her with high morals and religious values. These women have helped mold her into the inspirational person she is today and she continues on a straight and narrow path to success.I have known Jodie for eight years. She is one year older than me. We met at Mt.Vernon Missionary Baptist Church, where we still attend. We not only attend Mt.Vernon, but we are involved with the church’s music ministry, by her playing the organ and me playing the drums. What started as innocent child play has grown to be a loving, long-lasting friendship. We have grown to realize we share many of the same traits of on another. We both have a love for teaching children new things, which is what we do in bible study and summer camp. We have the same beliefs and both have great personalities, which play a big part in our friendship. We also tend to think alike as well.
            Personality is one of a person’s most memorable aspects. Jodie has an outgoing, educated, friendly, and concerned personality. Honest, loyal, trustworthy, and compassionate are some of the words that can be used to describe her wonderful character. Being that she made and continues to make good grades and stays focus, shows her discipline. She is respectful and she carries herself in a respectful manor. She is an all-around person because she not only has good standings, but is talented and tends to be involved in many different things at once. She has had the greatest influence on my life in many different ways during our eight years of knowing each other. The way she carry herself, her attitude, and her mind set has had great influence on me. I am influenced by her drive in life. I was and am influenced by her choices in life, such as the choice to further her education in college. As a result, I am now enrolled in Middle Tennessee State University. My major is biology and my goal is to become a Pediatric Dentist. Her head strong personality influenced me not to give up on things. I know I will be able to achieve great things with dedication and hard work. She also influenced me to speak my mind on what I believe. The fact that she has aspirations of doing something great in life has had a big impact on me. She influences me to keep my priorities straight. She influences me to do my best and to never give up on anything. Jodie Marie Jones has had the greatest influence on me because she has never influenced me to do wrong.