Monday, September 12, 2011

The Family We Chose For Ourselves

The summer going into my seventh grade year in middle school, changed my life. My family moved. We went from living in a three bedroom house to a five bedroom house on the opposite side of Memphis. We no longer lived on a street but in a subdivision. Although the move was good, I had many reasons why I did not like the move. I did not like the fact that I would no longer see friends that I had made over the years. I also did not like the fact that the environment around me was now going to change. Being that I had just made new friends from the transition of elementary school to middle school, put a damper on things.

Not soon after we moved in, the school year started. Since we had just moved, I had to be registered on the first day of school. The first day was weird to me. I was in a bad mood because I did not want to attend on the first day. I thought that everyone would already know each other from the previous year and I would be the outsider. I soon learned that that was not the case at all because through socializing, I learned that I was not the only new student. As the week went by, I made more and more friends. In school we were split up into two different teams, A and B. Within the teams were cliques, like in all schools. This one in particular clique was a group of friends that had journeyed from elementary school together. They went by D.I.P, divas in pink, and they colors were pink and black. Being that I knew most of the girls in the group, I felt that I might as well become a member. Once I became a member, I connecting more with a girl by the name of Asia White.

As the years went on when began to make many memories together. We started to tell each other personal things, we spent the night over each other house, and we went from being friends to best friends. We enjoyed one another company, attitude, character, beliefs, and personality. In high school, I learned that friends come and go, but the ones that stay around are true friends. It was not long before our journey through high school would come to an end. With that being the case, there were no intensions for us to end our friendship. This summer was one of the most bitter/sweet moments I have ever had. It was sweet because I vacationed to New Orleans and had an awesome experience. It was bitter because me and my best friend would no longer be down the street from each or get to see each other every day. We would know be experiencing another phase of meeting new people and making more friends. The day before she left for school, I spent the night at her house. I would not leave for college until two weeks later. That morning of her departure was emotionally hard for the both of us. She walked me to my car and as we began to hug, tears start to fall down our face. At that moment, I knew that I had a friend for life who I now looked at as another sister.

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