Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Positive Influence

            A graduate of Collierville High School and a current student at Fisk University, Jodie Marie Jones was born on July 9, 1991. She grew up in Collierville, TN where she still resides. As an average African American, she grew up in a decent home with a sufficient food supply every day. She was raised well by mother, Brenda Jones, aunt, Barbara Albright, and grandmother, Lucille Jones. They instilled her with high morals and religious values. These women have helped mold her into the inspirational person she is today and she continues on a straight and narrow path to success.I have known Jodie for eight years. She is one year older than me. We met at Mt.Vernon Missionary Baptist Church, where we still attend. We not only attend Mt.Vernon, but we are involved with the church’s music ministry, by her playing the organ and me playing the drums. What started as innocent child play has grown to be a loving, long-lasting friendship. We have grown to realize we share many of the same traits of on another. We both have a love for teaching children new things, which is what we do in bible study and summer camp. We have the same beliefs and both have great personalities, which play a big part in our friendship. We also tend to think alike as well.
            Personality is one of a person’s most memorable aspects. Jodie has an outgoing, educated, friendly, and concerned personality. Honest, loyal, trustworthy, and compassionate are some of the words that can be used to describe her wonderful character. Being that she made and continues to make good grades and stays focus, shows her discipline. She is respectful and she carries herself in a respectful manor. She is an all-around person because she not only has good standings, but is talented and tends to be involved in many different things at once. She has had the greatest influence on my life in many different ways during our eight years of knowing each other. The way she carry herself, her attitude, and her mind set has had great influence on me. I am influenced by her drive in life. I was and am influenced by her choices in life, such as the choice to further her education in college. As a result, I am now enrolled in Middle Tennessee State University. My major is biology and my goal is to become a Pediatric Dentist. Her head strong personality influenced me not to give up on things. I know I will be able to achieve great things with dedication and hard work. She also influenced me to speak my mind on what I believe. The fact that she has aspirations of doing something great in life has had a big impact on me. She influences me to keep my priorities straight. She influences me to do my best and to never give up on anything. Jodie Marie Jones has had the greatest influence on me because she has never influenced me to do wrong.

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