Monday, October 24, 2011

One Semester to the Next

There is only two months left in this semester. Come January, it will be the start of a new semester here at Middle Tennessee State University. This semester, I learned a lot about the school and myself. I learned my way around campus, I learned how to better manage my time, and I learned more about my strengths and weaknesses. It has been a long introduction to the college life. The transition from high school to college has been all what I heard it would be and more. I knew everything would not be as easy as high school, but I now have a better understanding of how hard things are. In the first semester, we basically reviewed things learned and taught in high school. I had a bad eating habit and barely worked out. My sleeping pattern is also off. I usually nap during the day for long hours. I tend to go to bed at two/ three in the morning and have to get up at seven a.m. for my eight o’clock class. For this reason, I am usually sleepy in class and it is hard for me to focus. I went home a lot this semester and have on been on campus for the weekend, three times. This semester over all has been a great first experience for me.
Next semester, I will use more of my resources. For each subject I need help in, I will attend the tutoring sessions offered here on campus. I will study more in the library than in my room. I will also study more on the weekend. I will make better grades on my exams and quizzes. My goal will be to make all A’s and B’s. I will review my notes prior to attending class and immediately following. I will read over the chapters in the book to get a better understanding as to what has been said in class. I will take a different approach to studying my notes to help retain the information that I will need to know for the exam. I will meet more people that are in my graduating class. I plan on eating at least two meals a day, one being breakfast, and eat less junk food. I will go to the gym every other week. I will go to sleep at decent time, around eleven/twelve. This way I can get enough hours of sleep in order to stay focused in class. So that I am able to go to sleep at this time, I will not take naps during the day. I would like to get more involved on campus to make my campus life experience even better. I will go to the campus theater, go to karaoke night, and participate in dorm activities. To help me on my chemistry and pre-calculus test, I will work out problems in the book. Next semester, I will go home less, only on breaks. I also plan on having my car by next semester. I plan on ending next semester better than the first.

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